Summer is coming

Ok so it's been awhile since I've posted anything, sorry. This has been primarily due to two factors. One, I have been crazy busy with school wrapping up and SPA project stuff. If you look at any PCV's web site that is doing a SPA project you will get some idea of how nerve racking they are. I have come to the conclusion that hell for me would be one long never ending SPA project. It is amazing the amount of trouble one can have getting everything done. I had everything done on time, and in most cases ahead of schedule, but getting my project team to get everything done was impossible. When I started the project I promised myself that I would not do the majority of the work, my job should be as a facilitator. But somehow up became down, frogs began raining from the sky and I did almost all of work. The truly baffling part is that I am doing all of this to give away money to people who desperately want it, but still do not want to work for any of it.
Oh well... The second reason for not posting more: laziness. No story behind this. No comments. That would require effort.
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