Few degrees colder...

Well I wouldn't believe it if I wasn't there, but today I managed to get everything I need for the initial submission of my SPA project. Today I got the budget and several figures which have taken weeks and months to figure out. So tomorrow I will complete the forms and send them off. I am sure there will be a ton of changes that need to be made but I'll worry about that later.
Allot of changes are happening here with PC policy. Especially regarding travel. I won't go into it to much because everyone who needs to know about them knows, and if I talk about them to much the Thought Police will come down on me. Thankfully however I don't think they will impact me much if they are implemented as planned. Some people however are a bit peeved. PC has there reasons for the changes, I can't honestly say that I believe them but I will respect them; despite the fact that I feel we are being punished for other peoples mistakes and stupidity.
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