My Boring Blog

Hello all. This is my blog which I will be using primarily to show pictures that I have taken while I am in Bulgaria. Any thoughts or opinions are strictly my own and no one elses.

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Sales Pitch

Today I had to attend a meeting taking place after school. On Monday I signed something that said I would attend this meeting. I was told that this meeting was suppose to have some kind of English inspector attending from somewhere. I wasn't sure however because I really don't pay attention to things like that because they never affect me since I'm not a real teacher.
But as it turns out it wasn't an English inspector but a salesman. The meeting was not a meeting but rather a sales pitch for a new type of English textbook. Why I was required to attend this thing I have no idea. I was bored before the women started her routine and my boredom only increased with time. She presented a bunch of information which I already knew; about students not remembering almost all of what they are taught and how teachers need to have more interactive and interesting lessons (This is a new and foreign concept in Bulgaria by the way).
The only remotely interesting part was when she had everybody do a memory game in english. You had to try to remember numbers in sequence, historical dates, and important people. I must say that I completely kicked everyone's ass at that. The women eventually figured out that I wasn't from Bulgaria because of my accent and the fact that I spoke english very well so she stopped calling on me.
The presentation lasted an hour and a half and I want that part of my life back. I didn't learn anything and the only thing I got from it was a cheap pen and a granola bar.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you got a granola bar??? like an actual quaker chewy granola bar, like the kind with chocochips? dear god, man, be thankful!

the only thing i get from meetings at my school is a headache, resulting from unbelievable confusion.

happy thursday...


5:36 PM  

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