
Yesterday I went skiing in the town of Dobrinishte with some friends. It was allot of fun and the skiing was pretty good, and much cheaper then skiing in Bansko.

The one bad thing was that it snowed quite a bit all day so it was often very difficult to see. On what turned out to be my last run for the day I came out of a narrow trail lined by trees (pictured) and picked up speed as I went down the mountain. Because of the snow I was having a difficult time seeing more then fifteen feet in front of me. As I was turning I hit a bump which I did not see and was not prepared for. I immediately fell and both of my skis went flying off my boots. Fortunately I was not hurt that much; I do think I banged up my thumb pretty good as it is very stiff and sore as I write this, but nothing serious.

This picture is of two friends that I went skiing with. The one falling down is Matt and the one behind him is Scott. The trail that we went down is not very steep but was very narrow. It was allot of fun going down the trail the second and third time when I knew what to expect and could go much faster.

Yesterday was also the first time that my Friend Lucia went skiing. Lucia is not a big fan of the outdoors, and especially not a big fan of the outdoors when it is cold and snowy. Despite this however she managed to succumb to peer pressure, give skiing a try, and have a pretty good time doing it (at least I believe she did). She did a fantastic job for her first time, much better then I did my first time skiing in fact.

thanks arin! you're a great ski u4itel!
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