It's over

Well vacation is over.... Ack... I taught for the first time in over a week today. Classes and students were pretty normal but I was just depressed. You know that feeling of impending doom you get towards the end of a vacation? Well It all hit me yesterday after I dropped my sister off at the airport. As I got into the cab I realised how great it was to see her and how much I was looking forward to her visit.
But hey life goes on. Soon summer will be here, my parents will come visit, we'll go to Rome, I'll travel all over Europe with friends, and a bunch of stuff will happen in between. Some stuff will be good, some will be bad. Thankfully I am sarcastic, bitter, and positive enough (yes you can be all those things at once) to handle it all and laugh along the way!
I'm glad you got to see her. And I understand the post-break depression. It was nice to taste freedom. We'll have lots of little breaks till summer. Down side to that? Utter chaos until June 30. Oh well, what's new there??
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