My first football fight

__I just got back from watching my local football team Пирин Гоце Делчев (Pirin Gotse Delchev) and I saw my first football fight. I wasn't involved and it took place on the other side of the field but it was cool to see.
The Game between Pirin and the other team (I forget the name) had been pretty tense all game but Pirin managed to score a goal right before the first half ended. When the second half started the other team came out very aggressively and attacked. Pirin did a good job of defending and counter attacking however. The referees made several calls that the crowd thought were questionable, I thought they were correct calls but I'm sure I don't have the same perspective as the home crowd. While the home fans were screaming and swearing at the refs (I only understood some of the words but they were definitely unkind to say the least) I sat with a cool smile on my face of amusement and detachment.
Eventually the referee called a yellow card on a Pirin player for an extremely rough tackle he made, this was not well received by the crowd. About a minute later I noticed about five or six men on the other side of the field, in the stands, pushing each other. A few seconds later punches were being thrown. A second after that one man put another man into a head lock, body slammed him to the ground, and began punching him in the head.
On my side of the field things got immediately quiet as everyone watched the fight. The players stopped playing as they watched the fight and the refs stopped running around to watch. After about twenty or thirty seconds play started up again on the pitch as the fight had stopped, I assume police arrived on the scene but I didn't see anything.
About a minute later Pirin scored a second goal and five minutes later added a third. The crowd began shouting "Още! Още!" (More! More!) The tension between the fans and the referees became irrelevant as Pirin pulled ahead.
When the game came to a close everyone was on their feet applauding the home team. When the refs left, they were sent off with a course of boos and whistles. It was a thrilling game and caused me to realise I believe I missed my calling in life. Football hooligan.
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