Rome is full of Germans

Well I just finished a vacation to Rome Italy with my parents, it was amazing! Rome is an incredibly beautiful city. There is history literally around every corner. People whip around scooters with no regard for their safety or others.
The most annoying thing about Rome however were the Germans. The Germans have started two wars trying to take over the world, but I think they have finally found a way to do it more effectively (and peacefully): tourism. German tourists are EVERYWHERE in Rome. They are like ants and cockroaches scurrying all over the place. I have always thought of Americans, such as myself, as the most annoying tourists. Americans don't speak any language but English, expect everyone to serve them, and are often just generally rude. Well I still believe all that but while Germans may be better at these things are infinately worse because of their numbers. Everywhere in Rome there were Germans wearing these stupid scarves identifying themselves, they moved around in packs following huge German flags, they yell at each other across the streets, and they leave litter behind them everywhere they go. Not all of the Germans were like this, but there were so many of them that even if only a small percentage of them are jerks it results in thousands of people.
Well there will be more stories and pictures to come. But I had to get that off of my chest first.
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