Nap Time
I remember in high school going to school and sitting in my first class at 7:48 in the morning and listening to whatever teacher I had, the only one I remember specifically was Mr. Heis my senior year, drone on and on about whatever it was they were teaching. I stared up at him and try to keep my head from nodding too much or falling off my hands that I was using to prop it up. At some point a question entered my head, why don't we have a nap time in high school? At first I thought this was just me being my lazy self but now I realise it wasn't laziness, it was brilliance.
Now that the shoe is on the other foot and I am the teacher droning on about whatever it is I am suppose to be teaching I still wonder, why don't we have a nap time in high school. Every morning I wake up get ready for school and start teaching. The first hour I am usually more incoherent then normal, which is really saying something. Usually my thoughts are centered around not tripping over the bumps in the floor or the steps that are randomly dispersed around the room and making sure my fly is closed (I usually fail at at least one of these things a week). The students usually are half asleep and the ones that are awake aren't happy.
If sometime during the school day thirty minutes were set aside for everyone to take a nap I believe that everyone would be more productive and much more pleasant, well not everyone but enough people anyway to make a difference. Why don't we do this? I have no idea. Thankfully however I never have to teach beyond 2pm so if I ever need a nap I just tell myself to make it to then and then I go home and take a nap.