Thank goodness it's Guiness

One of the highlights of my trip to Ireland would have to be the tour of the Guiness storehouse. The Storhous is where they used to make Guiness until relatively recently. Now it isn't really a brewery at all but more of a museum and gift shop. It is really cool though to see all the different stages that the beer has to go through. Of course you also get a free pint of Guiness at the end of the tour which is cool, although to be fair since you have to pay to take the tour the pint technically isn't free.
Guiness in Ireland tastes very different from the stuff in the states. In Ireland Guiness is very smooth and not quite as bitter as in the states. I was told that this was because if the bar serving the beer does not clean out it's pipes enough the Guiness tastes different. So if you try a Guiness in the states and it tastes pretty bitter and not smooth, the bar needs to clean it's pipes. Incidentally the Guiness that comes in a can or bottle does not have this problem, so that is always a safe choice.
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