Temorary things

I got back from my vacation yesterday from Dublin and London. I lack the verbal ability to say what a good time I had. Going to London has been a dream of mine for longer then I can remember and I did it with two friends that I have known for over ten years. On top of that I got to go to Dublin and see another one of my best friends that I only get to see every once in a while.
One thing that struck me during vacation was that I have had these friends for over ten years and we still are close and keep in touch. Very often it can be hard to realise permanent things here in Bulgaria. When I arrived I went to a temporary camp, then to a temporary family with a temporary language group, then I left to go to a temporary town to a temporary job, I live in a temporary apartment and I know temporary people. Leaving everything behind was one of the major benefits of joining the Peace Corps but it's nice to now that while I live these temporary two years of my life I will have friends to go back to that aren't temporary.
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