Winnie the Pooh

The past two weeks in my 11 and 12th grade classes we have been reading and analyzing Shakespeare. As you can imagine this can be an incredibly boring subject for a bunch of high school kids, I can't even imagine how confusing Shakespeare is to a non native speaker of English, I can barely understand it and I know Emglish real goob.
Anyway we have been acting out Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet and one of my classes asked if the could act out something that they chose. I asked what they would act out and they said Winnie the Pooh. Great idea I thought. So today my 11а acted out part of a Winnie the Pooh show, Pooh's birthday. It was allot of fun for me and the students had a blast too. My 11в class chose to do a Friends episode (The one with all the rugby), fun was had by all.
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