
Well I haven't posted anything in a while. The main reason for this is that not much has really happened. I have settled into a bit of a routine with teaching, which is good because it makes the time go by faster. My projects are coming along slowly but they are going to pick up a bit. The SPA deadline looms, so my headaches stomach cramps will get much much more severe. I will start teaching English to the other teachers of my school soon which should be fun I think.
Other then that not much has happened. I have become hooked on the tv show Lost and read scripts and watched episodes to get caught up to the most recent episode. Really the only thing that I have been doing is counting. Counting the number of weeks left of teaching (30), counting the number of weeks left with my 12th graders (25), counting the number of weeks until I get to go home (35) yea!, counting the number of weeks until I am unemployed (35) eep!, counting the number of weeks until I get to eat a Kopps hamburger (35), counting the number of weeks until Christmas break (8), and counting the number of weeks until my Close of Service conference and say good bye to so many new friends I have made (23).
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