Snow Angels

Winter is definitely my favorite season. I remember when I was a kid, I would wake up one morning and look outside to see everything blanketed in a sheet of pure white. It always amazed me that the world just outside my door could change so suddenly and dramatically in only one night; it still does. This morning I woke up and went for a walk in the freshly fallen snow. I walked around in the early morning light and watched the city wake up around me. Along my wandering route I helped people dig out and push cars through the snow. Rounding a corner I saw several children that I knew. I said hello to them and joined them in a snowball fight. I asked them if they knew what a snow angel was, when they said no I taught them how to make them. Their faces lit up like a Christmas tree and they proceeded to make them by the dozens. After a time I left and continued my walk. I went to a less populated part of town and was struck by how snow affects the sound of a city. Normally my city is filled with the sound of cars honking and driving everywhere and of people and children yelling. Today in the city however there was calm and peace. The sound had been muffled by the blanket of pure white. I know for some people winter is the most difficult of seasons because of the cold. As the saying goes, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. Well lemons are hard to find in winter, so you should make snow angels instead.
great post dude! i'm glad to see a bit more writing on the blogche! hope your Christmas rocked and Prague kicks a!
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