
Well winter has finally arrive in my village. This past weekend it snowed and now it is cold. The temperature has been about -12 degrees Celsius (around the teens in Fahrenheit for those of you in the States) for the past couple of days. One of the good things about living in Wisconsin and Minnesota my entire life however is that I am very used to these types of temperatures. I can go outside in my winter coat and not have to wear a hat. I know that supposedly most body heat is lost through the head but I have always believed that this is part of an ongoing conspiracy planned by mothers to get their children to wear hats. The head, while having a large amount of blood vessels, has a relatively small surface area exposing those blood vessels to the cold area. Consequently it is more important to properly insulate the other parts of the body in order to stay warm. If you disagree with me that's fine. The next time it is cold where you live however try walking outside wearing nothing but a very good hat and see how long you can take it.
Well Arin, I did infact go out when the temp. was -11*C with jst a tee-shirt and jeans at the place where i live. I was able to sustain it for around 5 minutes....but had to take a fall due to sleet!
sri harsha where are you from???
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