Damn Chelsea....

After the Mozart concert I went to an Irish Pub called Rocky O'Reilly's, the biggest and best Irish pub in Prague. That evening the pub was showing two games from the English Premier League. One game involved involved Liverpool and the other Chelsea. I am an Arsenal supporter and as a result hate Chelsea. This season the Premiership has been dominated by Chelsea however, Aresenal pretended to play well early in the season and then dutifully started circling the drain. But regardless of all this I was looking forward to watching real football in an Irish bar. I sat down at the bar, ordered a steak sandwich and a Guinness, and proceeded to watch the games. Unfortunately for me there were allot of Chelsea fans in this particular pub. I started conversations with many of them, actually conversations is probably a stretch. Many of the dialogues involved yelling ARSENAL SUCKS!, CHELSEA SUCKS!, and LIVERPOOL SUCKS! over and over again (often with bad words thrown in for variety). Chelsea won their game 1-0 and further secured their lead for the FA cup. I was subjected to endless taunts, singing, and yelling by Chelsea fans (one of whom was the owner of the bar). The great thing was that everyone was having a great time yelling at each other. I joined in the singing after some people explained the words to me and began chanting along with everyone else. Plus the owner of the pub, and many other people, were so impressed that a Yank like me actually knew something about football that they bought me several pints of Guinness and Strongbow.
Luckily for me I truly enjoy watching football. There is almost always a game on every night in Bulgaria so I am rarely bored. I have probably had more conversations about football in bulgarian then I have any other subject. It gives me a subject to talk to just about everyone with and life would be much more boring without it. Football truly is the global game and it is a shame it isn't more popular in the States.
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