My Boring Blog

Hello all. This is my blog which I will be using primarily to show pictures that I have taken while I am in Bulgaria. Any thoughts or opinions are strictly my own and no one elses.

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Monday, October 31, 2005

More village pics

Happy Halloween to all you people in the States! They don't celebrate halloween in Bulgaria so I won't go out and trick or treat tonight. I will, however, buy a bunch of candy and eat it until I get sick.

Monday, October 24, 2005


These are some pictures I took during a hike on Sunday. Not much to them really but more pictures will come later.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

City Pics

Here are some pictures I took of GD as I was on one of my hikes. The temperature has dropped quite a bit recently and I am sure that snow will start appearing in the mountains soon.

Monday, October 10, 2005


This past weekend there was a festival in Gotse Delchev. As far as I could tell it wasn't celebrating anything but rather a traditional autumn fair. There were vendors selling stuff, allot of food, and rides for kids (which looked like they were made in the 70's based on all of the rust).

Friday, October 07, 2005


These are some pictures of a storm that came through last week. It rained all day and I started planning what I would do if I needed to build an ark (inflatible raft is the best idea I came up with). I live in the middle of mountains however so flooding really isn't much of an issue.

Monday, October 03, 2005


There has been allot of fog in my town recently, also allot of rain. Hmmm maybe the two are connected.... Anyway these are some pictures I took of the fog burning off in the morning. The third one is my favorite.